Have you ever had something you wanted to say, but it just couldn't come out right? You couldn't find the right words to put it all together? It just didn't feel right? Well when that happens I feel like it's God telling me, you're not ready yet, just wait, and be patient.... If you've felt that before you know where I have been for the last few months!
Well about a month and a half ago, the missing pieces all fell into place and I felt God saying, "Here you go, this is what you needed" and so here I am FINALLY getting the time to sit down and get this into a blog.... So here we go... Here is something I feel EVERYONE needs to know and hear in their everyday life. Not just in their time of grief!
Everyone hurts, everyone has loss, pain, and triumphs in their life.
Everyone wants comfort, everyone wants to know they have someone there for them, someone that will listen, someone that can help them get through whatever trial they are facing....
As a mom I LOVE to talk about my children, always.
Everyone wants comfort, everyone wants to know they have someone there for them, someone that will listen, someone that can help them get through whatever trial they are facing....
As a mom I LOVE to talk about my children, always.
As a bereaved mom I want to share Paisley with EVERYONE. I want to share her life, her beauty, her story.... I walk around and unless you know me you have no idea that I have two precious babies. So I talk about her, I share her. I love when others talk about her, when they ask about her. Its human nature to want to share about your kids, but when you loose one of those babies that doesn't change, it actually grows stronger (at least for me.) She isn't here so sharing about her is how I keep her alive to others, because she is always with me. Well a lot of times there is the ache for her to be spoken of, for someone to ask about her, ask how I am doing, or just to listen I ramble on about her.
The missing piece to finish this blog came about a month and a half ago, when one of my best friends Audrey texted me and shared how she had a older gentleman help her in the grocery store as she was checking out. She was grocery shopping and had her two little girls, so as most moms know, help is always appreciated as those can be a battle at times!
So as he is helping her get groceries on the belt he starts to talk about his kids, as most parents LOVE to do, old or young, sharing about your kids is just something parents will always do!
Well as he went on he told her how he had two girls, and then he paused.... He told her how he had a son, their first born but he had passed away at only a few minutes old, how they also had another daughter, but she passed away as a baby from a sickness. As they continued their talk and then went on their way she said she could see in his eyes, that he wanted so badly to talk about those babies he lost so many years ago. It has been probably 30+ years since he laid not only 1, but 2 of his babies to rest, and no parent should ever bury their child(ren) let alone more than 1. 30+ years and I bet at times it seems like yesterday and that they're still so much alive to him.
Well as he went on he told her how he had two girls, and then he paused.... He told her how he had a son, their first born but he had passed away at only a few minutes old, how they also had another daughter, but she passed away as a baby from a sickness. As they continued their talk and then went on their way she said she could see in his eyes, that he wanted so badly to talk about those babies he lost so many years ago. It has been probably 30+ years since he laid not only 1, but 2 of his babies to rest, and no parent should ever bury their child(ren) let alone more than 1. 30+ years and I bet at times it seems like yesterday and that they're still so much alive to him.
30+ years and someone listening to him talk about them I can imagine brought so much joy even for only a few minutes. Because talking about them is all bereaved parents have left to share with the world about their loved one.
I always long for someone to listen to me, someone to hear me talk about not only my babies but my baby who isn't here anymore. Someone to hear me even in when I am on repeat because our time was cut so short and my story book with Paisley, is sadly not very thick. Someone who can help me process the ache that never goes away. Someone who can help me come back to reality when I am loosing control, again. Someone who can hold me when I feel like I can't move forward anymore. Someone for when I am stuck.
When I am failing miserably at what I know to be true is when God steps in in some way or form and reminds me Hey, I am right here, always, I am always listening, also comforting. The one who not only hears me and knows the ache I am feeling to have her in my arms, but is comforting me, while he hold's her close. The one who hears my every word, my every tear that falls, my every smile as I remember her and the joy she brought us. He is always with us, just waiting right there for us to call and lean on him. I am never alone, my words are never unheard. Whether in a crowded room, or silence of the night he is hearing me.
"You cry yourself to sleep
Cause the hurt is real and the pain cuts deep
All hope seems lost with heartache your closest friend
And everyone else long gone
You've had to face the music on your own
But there is a sweeter song that calls you home, saying
You're not alone for I am here
Let me wipe away your every tear
My love, I've never left your side
I have seen you through the darkest night
And I'm the One who's loved you all your life
All your life
Faithful and true forever
My love will carry you" - Meredith Andrews You're Not Alone
Cause the hurt is real and the pain cuts deep
All hope seems lost with heartache your closest friend
And everyone else long gone
You've had to face the music on your own
But there is a sweeter song that calls you home, saying
You're not alone for I am here
Let me wipe away your every tear
My love, I've never left your side
I have seen you through the darkest night
And I'm the One who's loved you all your life
All your life
Faithful and true forever
My love will carry you" - Meredith Andrews You're Not Alone
We are NEVER alone, God is always with you. So whether your hurting from a loss, just wanting to be heard, lonely and feeling like you have no one, or at the end of your rope for whatever reason just always remember God is close and waiting on you to call for him.

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