October 27, 2015

New Cardiologist and another new hospital!

For those wanting an update and following along, we met Little Miss Cardiologist today, we were misinformed two weeks ago and the surgeries she needs can not be done at Bronson so she will be delivered and cared for at U of M. Which is a relief as they are 6th in the country for HLHS we wanted to go there! We will be meeting with our new High Risk doctors and her surgeons within the next couple weeks to get things going. She is still healthy (as she can be for only having half a heart) doing good, and active as can be. Continued prayers as we get this rolling and meet the people that will care for her after birth. 

The Phelps! ❤️

1 comment:

  1. SO glad she will be in the BEST hands! We are all sending positive thoughts! <3 :)
