January 9, 2016


Paisley-Ann Faith Phelps was born 1.6.16 at 5:19 AM weighing 5lb 15 oz. 
Mommy got to hold her and we enjoyed taking in all her new features and presence for about 5 minutes before she was taken to start her stabilization procedures. 
We finally got to go see our beautiful girl again a few hours later when she was done and moved to her "room" When we got there she was doing good and was stable. By mid afternoon when we were able to go back (She is in a bay with other babies and if one has an emergency they shut the bay down and ask everyone to step out so they can tend to that baby and keep it as private and sterile as possible so we had to leave not long after getting to her in the morning) she had gotten some lower labs so they were working on fixing those. 
Those who have followed our blog during pregnancy heard about her Restricted Atrial Septum that needed to be fixed by cath procedure within 24 hours of delivery has thankfully opened enough and she will not be needing that. But as you also read her tricuspid valve doesn't seal all the way and they were concerned it could only get worse and it has. We're not going into a ton of details other than that right now as there is no set plan on what will happen right now. They're trying to help her with that in other ways and we will update when for sure information is set. 

For those who don't know Paisley she was diagnosed with HypoPlastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS.) To make it easy she has half a heart, as the left side of her heart is severally underdeveloped. She will undergo a minimum of 3 open heart surgeries by the time she is 2.  

Feel free to follow her progress here or on our blog and as always please keep Paisley and our family in your prayers as we walk down this road!.

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